Our team of graphic design professionals develop visual communications that come together with a purpose and builds meaningful connections with our clients target markets.


Did you know that our brains are hardwired to give emotions the upper hand? All our emotions are rooted in the limbic system. The limbic brain is where we sense our emotional attachments, such as trust and loyalty. It’s the part of our brain that knows whether something is important to us. And it’s the place that motivates us to take action or not.


When taking action, people quickly reach conclusions based on emotional reactions, then find facts later to support what they’ve decided. Whether large or small, we understand that to be effective, and meet our clients’ needs, the design must be emotionally persuasive.


From logos, positioning statements/slogans, ads, corporate stationery, trade show booths and annual reports, to way-finding signage, fleet signage, specialty advertising products (pens, polo shirts, coffee cups, etc.), to posters and brochures, we approach every project as an investment in the building of a brand. We understand that consumers are brand faithful based on a combination of logic and emotion (emotion the game changer). And we put that knowledge to use every single day.


We are able to influence behaviour, loyalty and sales on behalf of our clients – removing you from commodity to business of choice.